1st Year Jabs
Aaron had his first year jabs on 28th May. He didn’t like it at all and was fighting through the second jab that had to be done. He had a couple of small bruises come up afterwards and was quite whiney for the rest of the day, especially if you tried to go near his jabs area. He was still a brave boy though!
The nurse said that any symptoms from the jabs may appear up to a week after, and he unfortunately ended up with a bad case of conjunctivitis which had to be treated with eye drops. It may not have had anything to do with the jabs as the jabs had nothing to do with conjunctivitis, but they may have helped him pick it up through his system working against the jabs. It has taken a good 2-3 weeks for it to fully go, with Ben having it slightly as well at one point, but it looks to have finally gone.
We are very glad there is a long time until he is due more jabs!