Archive for the ‘Swimming’ Category

PostHeaderIcon Back To Swimming Lessons

We were really worried about this but much to our relief, when Kelly took Aaron and Coby back to swimming two weeks ago, she said it was perfect and that they had done a very good job in keeping children and parents socially distant.  There were actually only two groups of children in the pool, which was Coby’s Stage 2 in the small pool and Aaron’s Stage 5/6 in the big pool.  This meant that it was nice and quiet in the cafe for Kelly to stand and wait for them, which was the main concern really.  The only other change was that the boys’ lessons finished 5 mins earlier to ensure time for them to change and leave the premises before the next groups arrived and that they are meant to turn up in their swimming gear ready to go.  The turning up part is the hardest as Kelly takes them straight from school so they still do get changed in the changing rooms as they don’t have much choice really.  As it is so quiet, it isn’t much of an issue though, thank goodness!

For the swimming itself, they both were very rusty when they started again as they hadn’t been swimming since March!  Aaron had forgotten how to do Butterfly completely! haha  They will soon get into it again though, as long as the pool doesn’t get shut down again!!  It is good that they are back as they really need to get through this now and get on and complete their swimming lessons!

PostHeaderIcon 200m Swimming Certificate

Aaron has now got his 200m swimming certificate though he didn’t want to take it into School to be presented with it during assembly. He is doing very well swimming and is getting more and more confident! Hopefully he can crack on and complete stage 5 quickly and get on into stage 6! 😉

PostHeaderIcon Stage 4 Swimming Completed

Last Saturday, Aaron completed his Stage 4 Swimming and is now moving on up to Stage 5 where they concentrate on getting the various strokes much better. Unfortunately, it means changing days as well as they don’t have Stage 5 on a Saturday morning, so he is now signed up for 4pm on a Friday. This means Kelly will have to take them all straight from school again and I will miss not having Aaron with me on Saturday mornings at swimming. Well done though and keep it up!

PostHeaderIcon 100m Swimming Certificate

On Saturday, Aaron achieved his 100 metres swimming certificate, which was 4 lengths of the pool at Meadowlands. From what I could see, he managed it pretty comfortably and could have carried on a bit further! Aaron said that he has to do that for his warm up each week now! 😉 Well done, Aaron!

PostHeaderIcon Swimming At School

This term, Aaron has started doing swimming lessons with the school, which is part of the curriculum.  The school used to go to Meadowlands in Tavistock, where Aaron goes for lessons anyway, but this year they have changed to go to Mount Kelly (also in Tavistock) who have a top quality swimming pool. He is getting on very well there and you can see his improvements on Saturday’s during his normal lessons, so it is doing him good! He is so close to completing his current stage so hopefully this will make it even sooner!