Archive for the ‘Swimming’ Category
Awards Assembly
A couple of weeks ago, Aaron had his awards assembly where he was given his latest swimming certificates. Unfortunately, he was very grumpy for some reason and hardly smiled.
Stage 3 Swimming – Completed
2 weeks after Aaron got his 20 metres certificate, he completed stage 3! He had been on 90%+ for several weeks but just couldn’t get over the finishing line but his teacher, Jess, passed him and he has now moved up a level. Typically, there are no spaces at the same time on a Monday (16:30) so he has had to change to 16:00 on a Monday, which isn’t too bad, but a rush from School to get there again. As Ben has moved to a Saturday morning now, it still means two separate trips to Meadowlands each week. Well done Aaron for completing this stage and it is amazing to see how well he can swim (and especially swim underwater for so long) now, compared with a year ago. 😉
20 Metres Swimming Certificate
A couple of weeks ago, Aaron got his 20 metres swimming certificate. He was very proud to achieve this and wasn’t actually very far away from a full length, which is 25 metres, but got too tired as he reached the 20 metre point. We are very proud of him for reaching this level! X
Stage 2 Swimming – Completed
Two weeks ago, Aaron completed his Stage 2 swimming and now has a lovely certificate and badge to show for it! The following week, he moved straight up into Stage 3 and when Kelly checked last night (after swimming) he is nearly 50% complete in that level as well! Amazing really as Aaron was really quite struggling and didn’t like it at all, but he has suddenly adapted to swimming really well and is doing brilliant!