Archive for the ‘Month 1’ Category
1 Week Old Already
Aaron is now one week old, and we don’t know where the time has gone!
The first few days and nights were quite hard as he was always hungry, so we were up until the middle of the night trying to settle him down. As the days progressed, we have started to get into a better routine where we are all actually getting some sleep at night – even Aaron is sleeping for about 2-3 hours at a time during the night!
We have had several visits from the mid-wife and everything has been OK. He lost a bit of weight when 3 days old, but this was normal, and it was only a few oz. The next time he was weighed – a few days later – he had put on nearly all his weight again, so that was great! The mid-wife also checked him over, and Kelly also, and both were given the all clear.
Aaron was registered at the Plymouth Registry Office on Wednesday 11th May, so we now have his birth certificates. The same day we also went and got pasties to eat on Dartmoor (obviously Aaron didn’t have pasties!) so it was Aaron’s first little trip out for a picnic in the car. He seemed to enjoy it as he slept nearly all the time he was in the car, apart for waking up for some food! (he is a guzzler!).
A lot of the family have visited us over the past week, and it was good to see them all. They all thought Aaron was gorgeous and adorable.
We have received lots of cards and presents from everyone, so thank you to you all!
Baby Aaron
After being 7 days overdue, baby boy Aaron decided that he wanted to be born into the World in double quick fashion on Wednesday 4th May at 6:40am (Jedi Day – May the 4th be with you). Kelly only went into labour at about 3:15am so it was very quick compared to the 17 hours it took Ben to be born, and she was practically fully dilated by the time we got into the hospital! So we were both glad that we left home when we did.
The birth was carried out with no unusual complications, with Aaron being fully fit when he arrived. He was a large 8lb 7oz in weight, which was 1lb 3oz bigger than Ben was, so no wonder Kelly’s belly looked quite large! 😉
Once he was born, he had his usual checks (and so did Kelly) and they were eventually discharged at about 12:30pm, which was nice and quick. So they were only in hospital for about 7 hours.
Aaron is a lovely little baby with a very loud set of lungs! We aren’t sure who he takes after yet, though he does have lovely blue eyes the same as Ben and Mummy. He had a good amount of dark hair and is a very big wriggler. He also wants to eat all the time (so takes after Daddy and Gramps!) 😉
A special mention to Grandma who helped out with driving us around during the day and for looking after Ben when Aaron was being born!
Here are some photographs from Aaron’s first day. Enjoy!