Archive for the ‘Month 12 to 18’ Category

PostHeaderIcon Summer Update

The little man is growing big and strong now!  He is getting quite tall and has a very cheeky smile!

Kelly gave him his first hair cut in July as his hair was getting very long and he looked like a proper surfer dude. She managed to do it when he was in the bath and he wasn’t too bad whilst she was cutting it.  Once done, he looked a lot older though – not a little baby anymore, but a proper little boy. He does needs another trim now though!

Towards the end of June we had to change the height of the cot he sleeps in as one morning we heard a bang from the boys’ room and found Aaron lying on the floor. He had managed to climb out over the side of the cot and then fell to the flow.  The poor chap was crying but it didn’t last too long. So we had to adjust the height so he couldn’t do that again!

He has been going to play group sessions with Kelly and Ben (when Ben hasn’t been at school) and had been enjoying them lots. He joins in and always eats the snacks which are there for the children.

In the past week or so he has started singing to himself. It is always ‘Twinkle Twinkle Little Star’ as this is what they sing at the play group sessions. He does the twinkling movements with his hands as well which is really cute!

Aaron is always fighting with Ben! Jumping on each other and rolling about on the floor. Usually until someone gets hurt and then there are tears and tantrums. Boys will be boys! 😉

He is teething quite badly at the moment. Mostly due to his back teeth starting to try and push through. It means he is dribbling loads and wakes up in the night a fair bit. Hopefully they will push through soon and be over and done with!

During the summer, when I was off work, we managed to visit several places including Paignton Zoo, Dartmoor Zoo, Dairyland, Pennywell Farm and we also took the boys bowling for the very first time.  Aaron enjoyed all of these visits and loved watching the animals at the various places. He also enjoyed bowling and participated by helping Ben roll the bowling ball down a ramp onto the alley.  He also enjoyed the sweets he had there! 😉  (I will be putting some photos of these visits on this blog in the next couple of weeks!).

He loves the Wii and always picks up a controller and pretends to join in when we are playing it. He has even had a few goes at bowling and has actually managed to get a few pins down on several attempts!  He is also obsessed with the Game Boy Advance and always has to have this open and pressing the buttons when Ben plays with the DSi.  A proper couple of gamers they are!

On the odd dry and warm day during the last few months, he has enjoyed going out the back and playing with our sand and water table with Ben. As you can imagine, they have had themselves covered in sand and soaking wet each time they have used it! But they have had good fun together!

It was also the first Olympics since he was born!

Well, come back soon for the photos and the next update! 😉

PostHeaderIcon 1st Year Jabs

Aaron had his first year jabs on 28th May.  He didn’t like it at all and was fighting through the second jab that had to be done.  He had a couple of small bruises come up afterwards and was quite whiney for the rest of the day, especially if you tried to go near his jabs area.  He was still a brave boy though!

The nurse said that any symptoms from the jabs may appear up to a week after, and he unfortunately ended up with a bad case of conjunctivitis which had to be treated with eye drops.  It may not have had anything to do with the jabs as the jabs had nothing to do with conjunctivitis, but they may have helped him pick it up through his system working against the jabs.  It has taken a good 2-3 weeks for it to fully go, with Ben having it slightly as well at one point, but it looks to have finally gone.

We are very glad there is a long time until he is due more jabs!

PostHeaderIcon Aaron Walking for the 1st time

Aaron walked for the first time on Sunday 13th May. Here is a video of it –

PostHeaderIcon Aaron’s 1st Birthday

A few weeks ago Aaron had his first birthday!  We can’t believe that he is now well over a year old as the time has just flown by!

For his first birthday I took the day off work so that we could celebrate properly.  We got up early as possible with all of Aaron’s presents being out ready for him and downstairs decorated with 1st birthday banners and balloons.  He wasn’t quite sure what to make of it all when he saw the presents, but he still went right over to have a look.  So we cracked on and started opening his presents with Aaron helping as much as he could although he was finding it difficult as he didn’t have the strength to break into most of the presents.  He had a wide range of goodies including a Bob The Builder talking phone set, clothes and a 3-in-1 Trike which was his main present (pics below).   He seemed to enjoy everything and had good play with it all.

Later on in the morning, we went to Jump (which is what we did for Ben’s 1st birthday as well).  He loved it there and was playing around in the smaller childrens’ area as well as the more grown up area where Ben mostly stayed.  We stayed and had some food as well, so Aaron was quite a mess after that!  The boys had more of a play around after and a dance with the staff during a dancing session to children’s songs.  They both loved it there and Aaron was completely worn out afterwards! (All of us were actually!)  In total, we were there for near enough 4 hours and we all enjoyed it.

We had three other celebrations of his birthday the Saturday before, the Saturday after (which was the day after his birthday – FA Cup Final day!) and the Saturday after that, with several family members visiting for some party food and a chat, and a BBQ on the final Saturday with Gramps.  Everyone had a good time on all occasions, although on the second Saturday myself and Kelly started to get ill (we both ended up with Tonsilitis) which wasn’t ideal.

Aaron had lots of nice presents and cards from numerous people so thank you to everyone that gave him something for his 1st birthday!  Some of his presents included a Combine Harvester, Peppa Pig Pillow and Duvet set, toy for the bath, wooden jigsaw, bowl and plates, a wooden book and more clothes.

Here is a selection of photographs from his 1st birthday celebrations –