Archive for the ‘Month 2 to 3’ Category

PostHeaderIcon Aaron’s 2nd Jabs

On 2nd August Aaron had his second set of jabs for Tetanus, Diphtheria, Meningitis C and Whooping Cough so Kelly and Ben took him up to the doctors.  He cried a little bit as any baby would but he wasn’t really bad at all.  We were expecting a rough night but it wasn’t any different to usual, but a couple of days later he came up in a bit of a rash which could have been a reaction.  It passed again as soon as it came though, so was nothing to worry about. 😉

PostHeaderIcon Smiling, Teething, Sitting Up and more

Well, the little man is growing so quick that we have had to take him out of his Moses basket now and put him into the cot. He is still quite young to go into Ben’s room as he is not sleeping at all at night really, so we have had to move the cot into our room for now. A bit of a nightmare really, as it is quite large due to it being a cot bed, so there is barely any space for it. We are looking into getting a smaller cot for the next few months until he finally settles down during the night, but we will have to see how this goes for now.

Aaron is now teething and has been for several weeks. This has made him into a right dribbler, and is probably not helping him to sleep at night. No teeth have actually come through yet, but you can feel them all just beneath the gums so it won’t be long before they start coming through.

In the past week, Aaron has started to pull himself into a sitting up position!  He is a very strong baby and it is quite early for him to be doing this, but he fights you to get up so that he is sitting up and he seems to quieten down when he is in that position.  Maybe it is because he can see everything a bit better!

He is also smiling all the time now and when he does smile, it makes him look very cheeky indeed! All you need to do to make him smile it to look at him and talk a bit to him, and then he smiles back at you! Very cute!

Aaron is now in 3-6 months size clothes, even though he is a little way off being 3 months still!

PostHeaderIcon Postnatal Check Up

On Tuesday, Aaron and I had our 6-8 Postnatal check up with Dr Charlotte Massey.  She asked me questions about how I was recovering after the birth and then checked Aaron over, including his hips, eyes and boys bits, all of which were fine!  Then the Doctor weighed Aaron, so at 1 day before 8 weeks old he was 13lbs 10oz!  He is definitely getting heavy now but is maintaining a steady growth pattern on the centile chart between the 75th and 91st lines.

The doctor gave us some infant Gaviscon for what we think is a bit of reflux, hopefully it will stop him being so sick and keep the milk in his tummy!

PostHeaderIcon Weight Update

At 5 weeks old, I took Aaron to the weigh in clinic at Roborough Recreation Hall for the first time.  His weight was 11lbs 12oz, so still gaining weight well!!

PostHeaderIcon 1 Month Old

Aaron is now a month old and is doing really well! He has grown lots in the past four weeks, probably because he loves his food from Mummy.  The last time he was weighed he was over 10 lb and that was a little over a week ago, so he must be pushing on 11 lb now. He was putting on more weight per week than the average, so he has had no problem with eating. Unfortunately, this means that he fills his nappy up a lot as well!  I have lost count how many nappy bags we have got through since he was born – it feels like hundreds!

He has had his first hearing test, which he passed successfully the second time. The first time, the machine that measures whether he can hear properly or not, was not working correctly, so the health visitor had to come back a week later with a different machine to try again. She reported no problems at all, that was great.

In the past week or so, Aaron has started smiling to us.  It is very cute!  The first time we thought it was just a bit of wind, but it definitely isn’t. He is also very strong and can hold his neck up for a long amount of time and has a good look around. He has been down on his stomach on his play mat, and he was able to lift his head up far enough to turn it round from side to side. This is very impressive seeing as gravity is obviously pushing his head down to the ground!

Sleeping hasn’t been so great recently. He tends not to like sleeping in his basket during the day, although he will do at night time. The only problem being that he tends to not sleep for very long at night, and even during the day at the moment.  This has led us to be very tired indeed with only a minimal amount of sleep each night!  When he does go to sleep, Ben tends to wake up, so we have to get up with him anyway! We are hoping in the next few weeks his sleeping pattern will change and we can get more sleep.  He is also a very noisy sleeper and snores quite a lot! 😉

There are a few things he tends to like at the moment which settle him down.  He likes to be sung Silent Night and he likes the bouncer and the TV.  He can sit in his bouncer for a good 30 minutes whilst looking at the TV. He also seems to like riding in the car as it puts him to sleep almost instantly!

Ben is still being very good to him, and tries to help us out with him too much really!  A good big brother so far! 😉

Come back again soon to see some new photos of Aaron!