Archive for the ‘Awards’ Category
Awards Assembly
Aaron recently received another Headteachers Certificate for all of the merit marks that he has been receiving. I think this must be his 3rd or 4th now, so he is doing really well! He has also reached 100 hours on the Children’s University scheme which is for doing things outside of school. He received a nice certificate and a little silver badge for this, which he was quite proud of! Well done Aaron, keep it up!
Gold Merit Certificate
The week before the final School week, Aaron received his Gold Merit Certificate during assembly. He has had this several times now as he is doing very well, so he needs to keep it up and get another Head Teachers merit certificate in the new School year!
School Award
A few weeks ago, Aaron got a surprise award during assembly. It was such as surprise that neither Kelly or I were told so we missed it, which we weren’t very happy about! The award was for being kind and caring to another student, so it was a really nice award. It was just a major shame that the school didn’t tell us about it so we only found out from another Mum who happened to be at that assembly. Well done Aaron for being kind and well behaved at school!