Archive for the ‘School’ Category

PostHeaderIcon Bronze Merit Award

A couple of months ago, Aaron received his first School certificate! He managed to get 10 merit marks so received his bronze merit certificate. Well done Aaron! 😉

PostHeaderIcon Fairytale Ball

Back in early February, Aaron’s year had a Fairytale Ball where they all had to dress up as a Fairytale character. Aaron used Ben’s old costume and became Prince Aaron! 😉

Fairytale Ball

Fairytale Ball

PostHeaderIcon Awesome Aaron

Back in February, School had a super hero dress up day and all the children in Aaron’s year had to go in dressed as a super hero. So Kelly made him an outfit and Aaron became Awesome Aaron!

PostHeaderIcon 1st Nativity Play

Aaron had his first nativity play last week where he was a Shepherd.  He had to dress up for this and managed to have an outfit from School, so we didn’t have to make or buy anything! During the nativity he had to sing songs with the rest of the classes but he also had two lines to say which were, ‘get that fire going’ and ‘can we come in’. He said these really well albeit a tad quiet! 😉 When he was sat down not singing or saying his lines he was yawning away and having a good look around – typical Aaron! He did very well though and we are very proud!

PostHeaderIcon Super Ted at School

Towards the end of November, Aaron was Super Ted in School for a week. This meant he was the teacher’s special helper and helped with the register and taking things to the office.  It also meant he was at the front of the queue for lunch and play time etc. He really enjoyed it and here is a picture of him being Super Ted. 😉

Super Ted

Super Ted