Archive for the ‘School’ Category

PostHeaderIcon End Of Pre-School

Well that’s that then! Aaron has completed pre-school and is now only a few weeks away from starting at primary school. It is amazing that a year ago he had just gotten over crying each day when at pre-school, and now it is all over. Β He has certainly grown up a lot over the time there, especially in the last couple of months. The things he comes out with sometimes! hahaha He must have picked them up from pre-school!

Its just crazy how his time there has flown by. It was well over a year ago now that we started putting him in for a few hours a week, until he got his funding, and now he is leaving. We have got a class leavers photo, like we did with Ben, so we have something to remember his time there by. Unfortunately, Aaron wasn’t smiling much in the photo (as well as the single photo of him which we didn’t buy as it was awful!) but at least there were a few others in there that weren’t either!

A couple of his good friends are leaving as well and going to big school with him, and Harry is in his class, so he should be OK. Its a shame though that he will won’t be playing with Kian or Grace anymore, as they were all really friendly. Β Shame really. πŸ˜‰

Oh well, onwards and upwards!

PostHeaderIcon Blue Bears

At Aaron’s final induction afternoon at Primary School, we found out that he is going to be a ‘Blue Bear’ like Ben was. πŸ˜‰ We also found that his best friend, Harry, will be in his class as well, so we are happy. πŸ˜‰

PostHeaderIcon Primary School 1st Induction Afternoon

Yesterday, Kelly took Aaron over to primary school for his 1st induction afternoon. Aaron seemed to enjoy it and said that he did some singing (learning a ‘Goodbye’ song I think he said), played with Plasticine and also had a story read to them. He was there, with Kelly, from 13:30 until 15:00, and will be doing the same next Thursday. It is just so crazy that Aaron has nearly finished pre-school and will be going to proper school in September!!

PostHeaderIcon Keyworker Meeting

Last week, Kelly and I went in and met with Aaron’s Keyworker, Hannah, which was the final catch up before he goes to big school in September.

She showed us his work and what she has put on his report (that gets sent to big school), and talked to us about him, and she basically said he was doing very well! πŸ˜‰ He is well above average for all the measurements for his age, and is very sociable and polite. She said he will have no problems in big school! She also said that he can write his name, which we were surprised at, as he doesn’t do that at home!!! She even showed us his writing and he can write his name pretty well really! Cheeky rascal!

We were obviously very pleased with him so he got a little reward (he chose some Maltesers and a little toy car), but we still can’t believe he only has half a term left at pre-school before starting proper school in September! Crazy!

PostHeaderIcon Pre-School Hours Change

Since the start of the Summer term, Aaron is now doing 2 full days per week. These are on a Thursday and Friday. He was doing a full day on the Friday before, but we decided it would be better for him to do another full day in the week as well, to prepare him for proper School. So his new days at pre-school are Tuesday afternoons and all day on a Thursday and Friday. He didn’t mind the change at all as all of his little friends are there on a Thursday! πŸ˜‰ Previously, he was doing the afternoon on a Monday and Tuesday, and then the full day on a Friday.