Archive for the ‘School’ Category

PostHeaderIcon Key Worker Meeting

A couple of weeks ago, Kelly went in to see Aaron’s Key Worker, Hannah.  She said that Aaron was doing very well, albeit he is a little quiet (like I was) but seems to get on well with all of the other children. He joins in with the songs and games and seems to be enjoying it there! 😉 Well done Aaron!

PostHeaderIcon 1 Full Day A Week At Pre-School

Since going back to School after the the October half term, Aaron has been going to pre-school for a full day on a Friday and now has the whole of Wednesday off. We were a little worried at first but he hasn’t cried at all on a Friday (or any day) and seems to enjoy being in school for the entire day.  The only trouble is, he doesn’t tend to eat much of his packed lunch! Probably because he wants to just play all the time so ends up only eating half his sandwich and perhaps his yoghurt. He has a couple of good friends there as well, Evie and Harry, who he seems to play with all the time and his key worker says he is doing very well! 😉

PostHeaderIcon Chocolate Bun At Pre-School

Amongst all the playing and drawing and painting that Aaron gets up to at pre-school, he has also done a little bit of cooking! In September, he came home with a little chocolate bun that he had helped to make.  He was very proud of it and wanted to show me after I had got home from work before he ate it! He wouldn’t let anyone else have a bite either!! 😉

Chocolate Bun Made At Pre-school, Sept 2014

Chocolate Bun Made At Pre-school, Sept 2014

PostHeaderIcon Pre-School Update

Aaron has now been at pre-school for over a month and he is enjoying it a lot now.  He did cry for the first few weeks, but he hasn’t in the past 2, which is great. He has made some friends there and is getting along with the teachers nicely. Phew! 😉

PostHeaderIcon 1st Proper Day At Pre-School

Last Friday was Aaron’s 1st proper day at pre-school. Before the Summer holidays we had paid for him to attend a few hours a week but now he gets his full 15 hours a week funding, so he will be going in for 3 hours in the afternoon every day. He starts at 12 and finishes at 3, so he has to have an early dinner at home!

He was excited about going back to pre-school last Friday and was saying that he was going to ‘do some drawings’ and ‘play with some cars’ there.  I worked from home on the day so I could take Aaron at 12 and pick him up. He went in fine and ran off to play. When we picked him up he was fine, although he did say that he cried a bit! Hopefully that was because it was his first day back and he wasn’t used to it again. He said he enjoyed it anyway, and that is the main thing.

Here are some pics of Aaron on his first proper day –