Archive for the ‘School’ Category
Pebble Art Club
For this half term, Aaron has joined the Pebble Art Club which runs after school on a thursday. In the club, Aaron will get to design and paint a pebble and then go out and hide it somewhere. He has only had one lesson so far, which was to design the picture that was going to go on the pebble, but he said he really enjoyed that. Hopefully he will enjoy each lesson as he likes drawing on pebbles and a lot of his friends are at the club as well.
Parents Evening
Parents evening went very well with Aaron’s teacher, Mrs Wall. She said that Aaron was doing really well across all the subjects, but was doing especially well in Maths and reading. 😉 Well done, Aaron!
Spring Music Festival
For the Spring Music Festival this year, Aaron had to play the Ocarina. He gave it a good go and tried his best, which was great. The songs were the same as the other songs that other classes played, so it did get a little repetitive though! 😉
Nativity Play 2017
On Monday evening, we went to see Aaron do his final Nativity Play at School. Next year, he will be doing the Carol Service like Ben. This year he was a King and was sat with his class but didn’t have any words to say. He sang more this year, and yawned less, though he did do a massive yawn when he was with his class on stage, so everyone could see him! He then looked at us and giggled! hahaha. The play was the same as usual although there were a couple of new songs. Aaron did well with the singing and seemed to enjoy it. We can’t believe it is his last Nativity though! ;-(