Archive for the ‘School’ Category
Sports Day
This year at Sports Day, Aaron’s team only had half of the number of children they were meant to as all 3 girls were off ill. So Aaron and the other boys had to do each activity twice! This didn’t stop them though as they easily won 5 out of the 6 activities! These included a Pirate treasure game, football dribbling, egg and spoon race, hurdles and a couple others. Aaron did very well on each of them and tried his best, although there was a little cheating going on with the egg and spoon race! 😉
They then had the running races and Aaron also had to do this twice as the first race didn’t count as there was a false start and no-one heard the headmaster shout for them to come back, so all the boys continued on to the end only to find they had to go back and run again! Aaron didn’t go top speed on this (he usually doesn’t!) but he gave it a good go and came about half way out of about 20 boys. He was happy with that and was probably tired out anyway from doing the activities earlier twice. He also knew he had to go to swimming after school as well, so he took it a bit more steady. 😉
Anyway, Lynher, his house group, won the KS1 Sports Day again (they usually win each year) so Aaron contributed well to the points the team scored. Well done Aaron! X
Class Assembly, Silver Merit Award and Swimming Award
During June, Aaron had his yearly class assembly where he had to stand up and say some lines. He did very well and said his lines clearly although a little quietly. Miss Bowyer seemed very pleased with them all. Afterwards, we were able to go over to him and he showed us some of the work he had done that they showed off in the assembly. It was all very good!
Before the assembly itself, he was presented with his latest Swimming Award for completing Stage 2 and his next merit award, which was another Silver award, by the Headmaster Mr Hancock. Well done, Aaron, keep it up! X
Bronze Merit Award
Aaron has now got his 2nd bronze merit award and is now well on his way to getting his silver again. Well done, Aaron. Keep it up!
Parents Evening
After school on the same day as the music festival, Aaron had his parents evening. Miss Bowyer was extremely pleased with him and couldn’t praise him enough. We found out that Aaron has a Maths age of just over 7, which is really great considering he is only just coming up to 6, and that he is doing very well with his reading. She was so pleased that she didn’t really have much to say about him as it was all so good! 😉 Well done, Aaron! X