Archive for the ‘Year 5 to 6’ Category

PostHeaderIcon Quick Update

We are now into the last week of the first term of Year 1 and Aaron has grown so much! He has got taller (and skinnier!) and he has come on extremely well with his reading and has started to get interested in drawing and other crafts much more.  He still prefers to play with his cars though and this is what you can find him doing most of the time!  He is doing very well with his spellings and has currently got 10 out of 10 each week, although they are much more awkward this last week, so hopefully he will still get them all correct.  He is getting on very well at School still, and likes his teacher, Miss Bowyer, and the friends he has. He does have a tendency to come home filthy every day though! We have no idea how he ends up covered in mud, but he does! He still mostly has jacket potato and beans for his school dinner but has occasionally branched out to a burger, or fish fingers, or chicken nuggets – only because he has these at home! He doesn’t try any other food really, but I would have been the same!  Aaron still cries a lot, mostly over daft things, so hopefully he will grow out of that soonish as the whining is quite annoying! 😉 He does scrap with the other three as well, and Kelly and I are forever telling them to be good and be quiet as Aaron just talks and talks! And he doesn’t have a quiet voice either! I bet he doesn’t talk as much at school though I guess that is why he does at home as he bottles it up all day and then has to be noisy as soon as he gets home! haha.

Outside of school, Aaron is still mostly enjoying football training on a Friday and has now scored a few goals! Well done! He has had several birthday parties to go to as well, which he has enjoyed, as they have all been quite different such as a trampolining party and a sports party. He has also had some of his friends over for tea, and has another one over this week for Hot Dogs!

He does tend to get tired out quickly still, and he usually falls asleep when we go anywhere in the car! I don’t know how, but Aaron could go to sleep anywhere, a bit like his Uncle Darren used to be able to do! 😉

He is now looking forward to Christmas and has written his list for Father Christmas and it has gone from the tree. I can imagine him getting more and more excited as the time goes on and the big day gets closer. He just needs to behave himself a bit more, wash his hands more and try and be a bit quieter! 😉


PostHeaderIcon Nativity Play 2016

Last week was Aaron’s 2nd school Nativity play.  This year, he didn’t have any words to say so just had to sing the songs. But, as he is a little monkey, he spent the time pretending to sing and just moving his mouth! Only when he spotted Kelly and I gesturing for him to sing, did he try and sing properly! He didn’t have a specific costume to wear either, but had to wear something brown (as he wanted to be a horse rather than a pig or sheep). So Kelly managed to find him some brownish clothes and Aaron made some ears at school to put on his head. We had to go to the afternoon showing this time as Kelly was out on the Wednesday evening one, so it was a little strange seeing a Nativity play with it being light outside still! Saying that, Aaron (and all the other children) were allowed to finish and leave school earlier, however it didn’t help us as we still had to wait for Ben. Shame! Anyway, it was a fun 40 minutes (even though one of the children near Aaron actually fell asleep during the show!) although Aaron didn’t want to do the evening performance the next day and ended up crying about it! Dear me! 😉

PostHeaderIcon Halloween

This year for Halloween, we went to the Woolwell Center Halloween Party with a few other families who play football with the boys on a Friday evening. Aaron had great fun at the party with his friends, and spent most of the time in the play rooms on the bouncy castles!  He only came back when he wanted a drink or something to eat, or when he wanted to buy something from the little tuck shop!

On Halloween itself, we had a little Halloween Party, with mostly the same people from the party at the Woolwell centre.  Kelly decorated the house during the day with Coby, and it looked really good once complete! There were cobwebs everywhere and little spiders hiding on them, as well as other spooky decorations.  We also put on some snack food and the children scoffed it. Aaron had Kian come and play as well, so there was someone there his age, and all the children had a group photo, all dressed up in their Halloween gear! We then went out Trick or Treating around Woolwell, and spent a good 90 minutes walking around! Needless to say, Aaron got stacks of sweets and chocolates, so he was very happy! The weather was nice and mild as well, and dry, so it ended up being a very enjoyable evening and Halloween!

PostHeaderIcon Headteachers Merit Award

Aaron reached 40 merit marks so was able to get his Headteachers Merit Award certificate! He now has to restart the process and aim for his bronze again, so keep it up Aaron!

PostHeaderIcon Flu Vaccination

The other week, Aaron had a flu vaccination which was a spray up the nose (both nostrils!). He was meant to have this at school but there was an issue with the form that we filled in, so he had to go to the local Boots pharmacy to have it done instead. Surprisingly, he was fine with it and didn’t cry at all! Well done Aaron! 😉