Archive for the ‘Year 5 to 6’ Category
1st Sports Day
This was Aaron’s 1st Sports Day at school and he was put in the same team as Ben so that we could easily follow them around during their events. Aaron did really well and tried very hard at each event, and seemed to enjoy it all! The events that he took part in included small hurdles, egg and spoon race, treasure grabbing, football dribbling and then a running race at the end. Aaron’s team (and Ben’s), Lynher, won the entire event, so they were very happy with this!
5th Birthday and Party
Happy birthday Aaron, how are you 5 already!?!
This year, Aaron’s birthday fell on a Wednesday so he had school during they day, which limited us to what we could do. He did manage to open up all his presents before school though and he was very pleased with the array of Paw Patrol figures and vehicles that he had (he is obsessed with Paw Patrol). His main present was the Paw Patroller from Mummy and Daddy, which he had been going on about for months! But he also had a selection of other Paw Patrol figures and vehicles that go with the Paw Patroller. So to say he was excited was an understatement! He also got a new chair, Pie Face, clothes, chocolate and sweets, books and a few other gifts. He was very happy with it all!
As usual, the birthday boy could choose what he wanted for tea, and because the weather was nice, he decided he wanted a BBQ up on Dartmoor, so that is what we did! We found a nice area to setup camp and had a nice BBQ and play with the football and scratch pad and ball. We all had a lovely time although there was a couple of hitches. Firstly, the lighter ran out so I had to drive to Yelverton to get a new one from the shop and then Aaron desperately needed the toilet, so Kelly had to drive him to the toilets in Yelverton. Apart from that, it was great!
The following Friday was Aaron’s actual birthday party with his friends, and it was held at Jump. It was a great two hours and the children were non-stop, apart from when they quietened down to eat their birthday food. Aaron chose to do football as part of the party, instead of a disco or party games, but some of the children were a bit too rough, so he ended up sitting most of it out. Typical Aaron! 😉 Generally, he had a good time though and got lots and lots of presents from the 13 other friends that went!
A Trip To The Hospital ;-(
Well, last evening turned out to be a horrible evening for Aaron. He was just about to have his nails clipped and get ready for bed when he slipped off the small training potty/foot stool in the bathroom and smashed his mouth into the cupboard door under the sink. He screamed like I had never heard him scream before and he was crying his eyes out. His mouth was pouring with blood and he was shaking badly. Once we managed to calm him down a bit, he spat out A LOT of blood from his mouth and we managed to see that he has split his lip badly, but not too deeply thank goodness, but he had also bashed his right fang tooth next to his front two teeth so that it had turned 90 degrees in his mouth. This was mainly where the blood was pouring from. Kelly immediately rang the NHS Direct line and they advised to take him in to A&E to be checked out as they class this sort of thing as a possible head injury. Unfortunately, this made Aaron worse as he hates going to the hospital, probably because when he was little he had an extremely bad case of Croup and they had to force steroids and Calpol down him to open his lungs, which was a very bad experience for him. So Kelly took him to the hospital and about 4 hours (!) later, they came home, which I think was about 23:30. They had seen a nurse and a doctor who basically said that it isn’t really bad and that the gash in his lip should heal without stitches and his tooth is pretty secure but he may have damaged the veins providing it with blood, so it may go black and drop out. Aaron seemed much better when he got home and showed me a ‘being brave’ sticker that the Doctor had given him. As you can imagine, he was tired out, but he managed a biscuit and a drink before going to bed. He is staying home today as the poor little chap is tired out still! We are just relieved it is over and not any worse than it is but the poor little boy will be struggling with his lip for a while and it will take several days for hit tooth to stop hurting and settle down. Aaron was very brave though! xx