Archive for the ‘Year 7 to 8’ Category

PostHeaderIcon Fire Station Visit With Beavers

After Coby’s birthday party at Jump, Aaron had Beavers and it was a visit to Crownhill Fire Station. We had to miss the start of the session due to Coby’s party, but were allowed to stop in afterwards. 

It was very good and the Beavers were allowed to have a close up look of the Fire Engine and were shown what to do if you got caught alight, and various other things. Towards the end, they were all about to have a go on the fire hose but, typically, just before it was Aaron’s turn, the fire bell rang to say there was a real fire, so they had to pack up quickly and speed off! So Aaron missed out on that but they had to go and potentially put a real fire out, so you can’t blame them. 

It was a good session though and Aaron, and the other Beavers, enjoyed it there! Coby was allowed to go in with Kelly as well, so he had a bit of fun as well! 😉

PostHeaderIcon Spring Music Festival

At the School Spring Music Festival this year, Aaron had to play the Recorder. He did very well and tried to play as best as he could. The songs were very simple, which was good, but quite boring! haha

PostHeaderIcon Parents Evening

Aaron’s parents evening went very well a few weeks ago and we were told that he is doing well at school and his teachers are very happy with him! The only thing we need to do is try and encourage him to read a bit more, which we will have to do! Well done, Aaron!

PostHeaderIcon 8th Tooth Out

Earlier today, Aaron’s 8th tooth fell out! Apparently, he was play fighting with Coby and got whacked in the mouth by his foot! His tooth was very wobbly before though and we were waiting for it to come out! So it looks like another visit from the tooth fairy at some point soon!

PostHeaderIcon Stage 4 Swimming Completed

Last Saturday, Aaron completed his Stage 4 Swimming and is now moving on up to Stage 5 where they concentrate on getting the various strokes much better. Unfortunately, it means changing days as well as they don’t have Stage 5 on a Saturday morning, so he is now signed up for 4pm on a Friday. This means Kelly will have to take them all straight from school again and I will miss not having Aaron with me on Saturday mornings at swimming. Well done though and keep it up!