Archive for the ‘Year 8 to 9’ Category
Tavy 7 Fun Run 2019
At the end of October, we all took part in the Tavy 7 race on Dartmoor. I ran the full 7 mile race, Ben and Aaron did a 1.78 mile fun run and Coby and Kelly did a 0.8 mile fun run. We all completed the course and got a medal, except for Kelly as she was just accompanying Coby as he was too young to compete on his own, which was a shame really. The boys enjoyed it and had fun and were even more happy to get some cake and a drink (a cup of tea in Coby’s case!) after their races whilst they were waiting for me to finish. All of the boys took their medals into school to be presented with them during assembly.
Christmas Carol Concert
Last night was the Christmas Carol Concert at school. Aaron managed to hide himself away at the back of the stage but we were still sat in front of him so we could see him for most of the service. He was singing a little bit but mostly yawning!! hahaha! He year did one song on their own and for the rest, they were joined by the rest of KS2. I think he was quite happy for it to end as he did look a little bored!
Awards Assembly
Aaron recently received another Headteachers Certificate for all of the merit marks that he has been receiving. I think this must be his 3rd or 4th now, so he is doing really well! He has also reached 100 hours on the Children’s University scheme which is for doing things outside of school. He received a nice certificate and a little silver badge for this, which he was quite proud of! Well done Aaron, keep it up!
Space Badge
Aaron has now got his ‘Space’ badge at Cubs. To get this, Aaron had to learn about the stars and space and also make a constellation using a torch, a cardboard tube and some thin paper. He had to put holes in the paper to make the shape of a constellation, which he did, and it worked very well. He was quite pleased with his new badge so Kelly just has to sew it on to his Cubs jumper now!