Posts Tagged ‘christmas’

PostHeaderIcon Christmas 2016

We had a lovely time over Christmas and had plenty of family visits before and after the big day!

On Christmas Day this year, the boys actually got up without me waking them up, although I did have to go down to the kitchen and turn the oven on at 6:30am, as the Turkey was that big it took hours to cook! So I did see all the presents that Father Christmas had left before anyone else did! heehee!

Just as I got back into bed, we heard the boys making noises and it wasn’t very long before we could hear them getting out of bed. Coby was still fast asleep though so I think Ben and Aaron woke him up as he looked quite dazed when we saw him! All of our stockings were full to the brim on the landing, so they boys pulled them into our room and up onto our bed, and started opening the presents. By this point, Coby had woken up and was very excited unwrapping his stocking presents. Aaron was the first to get through them all so had to wait for the rest of us, so he had some nibbles of chocolate whilst he was waiting! The boys all had some great presents including new books and clothes, new Lego figure lights, some Star Wars hot wheels vehicles, plenty of chocolate and sweets and other little goodies.  They were then, of course, itching to go downstairs and see what Father Christmas had left under the tree for them!

So I went down first and got the camera ready and went in the front room and waited for them to come in. Of course, they were all extremely excited but Ben, as usual, had to take it too far and was stupid and fell on the floor pretending to be so excited! So I wasn’t best pleased. There were lots and lots of presents for everyone, and Father Christmas had left a lot for the boys, but before opening any, we had something to eat for breakfast. This mostly consisted of shortbread biscuits! Yum!

For the rest of the morning, we opened our presents, one at a time. Coby was very excited and wanted to help open everyone’s presents so we had to tell him off a few times. Saying that, Aaron was the same and was actually probably the most excited out of them all! All three boys got some excellent presents including a tablet for Ben and Aaron, a Balance Bike for Coby, some board games for each of them, a 4 in 1 sports table for them all (from Mummy and Daddy!), clothes, various little toys, a Hot Wheels Mega Garage set for Aaron, Hex Bug set for Ben, books, a Leapfrog Reader for Coby, a Paw Patrol set for Aaron and another for Coby, a BladeBuilders Lightsaber for Ben, a cash till for Coby and many other things. They were all very lucky to get all they got!

We managed to open everything during the morning (for a change!) and then we had a lovely Turkey dinner which everyone ate, and then settled down for the afternoon to watch the TV and play with all the wonderful presents. The boys went to bed just after 7:30pm and were quite tired out with all of the excitement of the day. 

We all had had a lovely Christmas day and thanks to everyone who gave us all presents!

Here are some pics. 😉

PostHeaderIcon Father Christmas

Here is a photo of Ben and Aaron with Father Christmas and one of his Elves at the Milky Way Adventure Park. They both had a good chat with him about what they wanted for Christmas and whether they had been good or not, but they were both quite shy really.  Coby didn’t want to sit next to Father Christmas at all unfortunately, as he was tired and teasy and wanted to just go and play on the indoor play equipment! Tut! They all got a little present though, so they were pleased with that.

Father Chistmast @ The Milky Way Adventure Park

Father Christmas @ The Milky Way Adventure Park

PostHeaderIcon Christmassy Pics

Here are a couple of pics from when we visited Homeleigh Garden Centre at the end of October to look at their Christmas stuff.

Here is a pic of the boys at the Woolwell Christmas Tree, just after it was turned on last weekend before a short Carol Service.

PostHeaderIcon Nativity Play 2016

Last week was Aaron’s 2nd school Nativity play.  This year, he didn’t have any words to say so just had to sing the songs. But, as he is a little monkey, he spent the time pretending to sing and just moving his mouth! Only when he spotted Kelly and I gesturing for him to sing, did he try and sing properly! He didn’t have a specific costume to wear either, but had to wear something brown (as he wanted to be a horse rather than a pig or sheep). So Kelly managed to find him some brownish clothes and Aaron made some ears at school to put on his head. We had to go to the afternoon showing this time as Kelly was out on the Wednesday evening one, so it was a little strange seeing a Nativity play with it being light outside still! Saying that, Aaron (and all the other children) were allowed to finish and leave school earlier, however it didn’t help us as we still had to wait for Ben. Shame! Anyway, it was a fun 40 minutes (even though one of the children near Aaron actually fell asleep during the show!) although Aaron didn’t want to do the evening performance the next day and ended up crying about it! Dear me! 😉

PostHeaderIcon Holiday At Butlins At Christmas

The weekend before Christmas, we went to stay at Butlins for their final Christmas weekend extravaganza. We all had a great time, although the weather wasn’t great as usual, and this time, we stayed in a caravan instead of an apartment. This made it even more exciting for everyone!

Before we even got there though, we had an interesting trip in the car, as a pheasant decided to run out in front of the car and get hit! It was only a small thing but it made a massive thud and actually took the tow bar cover off the front side of the car! So we have to get another one of those now. As for the pheasant, we couldn’t see it when we looked behind us but I don’t think it would have made it.

Anyway, when we got to Butlins we had a great time. The caravan was really nice and had plenty of room. Ben and Aaron had their own room, Coby had another and myself and Kelly had the other. The caravan even had two bathrooms and an area outside to sit down and relax (although we obviously couldn’t do this as it was wet, windy, cold and the middle of December!). In the Summer months, I could imagine it being very nice there though!

We saw lots of shows over the weekend, including a Pantomime called ‘Aladdin Rocks’, Christmas Is Magic show, Scooby Doo, a band called Boomin who were amazing, The Skyline Gang (on several occasions!), the Skyline Snowstorm, SuperSlam Wrestling where the main even was a ladder match for the Butlins Championship, Queen Rocks and A Tribute to One Direction. I think that was about it! Kelly, Ben and Aaron also had a go at Ice Skating but were very disappointed as it wasn’t really ice, but slippy plastic which wasn’t even very slippy! They had a bit of fun though! We also went to see Father Christmas who did a little show in a blow up bauble outside in the Fairground and the boys got to meet him and have their photo taken with him (see below). They were very happy and Coby seemed to love it! They all got a little box of chocolate Reindeers from him, so they started scoffing those as soon as we had left the bauble. We also had good fun in Bob The Builders playground where the boys went on numerous rides, in the arcade and outside in the newly refurbished Fairground.  On the Saturday morning, we went Swimming which was great. As Ben can now mostly swim, he was able to go around the river section without me holding on to him and I think he really enjoyed being independent like this. Aaron is also learning to swim but hasn’t got the hang of it yet, so Kelly and I took him around with us. He was a bit wary of the guns shooting water at you but enjoyed it as well. Coby preferred to play in the little toddler pool that had a slide in! 😉 We also went to a craft session where we made Christmas Lanterns with the boys. This was a nightmare for myself and Kelly as we practically had to make them for Ben and Aaron whilst Coby was being very naughty and running around the room! In fact, Coby was quite naughty for the entire weekend really! Each show we went to, he wouldn’t sit still and watch, he was running around and running off, so Kelly and I were constantly chasing after him, so we couldn’t really relax. He was so bad during the Scooby Doo show that Kelly missed it all! Hopefully next time we go, he will be that little bit older and will just sit and watch the shows so we can all enjoy them properly!

Food-wise, Kelly had made pasties to bring with us and we also brought some pizzas as the caravan had a fully equipped kitchen. Other than that, we went to the pub for lunch on the Saturday and the new American Diner on Sunday where we had a massive burger which was very nice! In the Diner, the waiters and waitresses occasionally stopped and sang a song, like it used to be in America in the 1950’s. It was quite different but enjoyable!

So all in all, we had a great time at Butlins once again, but it just went so quickly! It would have been easier and more relaxing for myself and Kelly if Coby had behaved himself during the shows, but he is only a little toddler so we couldn’t really expect him to sit still all the time.  Saying that, Ben and Aaron were very hyper and excited all weekend and had spells where they were naughty as well! All the shows we saw were great and we just had a wonderful time in the caravan and around the place. I think my favourite show of the weekend was by Boomin who put on a great performance, playing some great songs in their own style. Hopefully they are there next time we visit Butlins!

Here are some pics from our weekend at Butlins.