Posts Tagged ‘lego batman movie’

PostHeaderIcon 1st Cinema Trip

I completely forgot until today, that back in February, I took Ben and Aaron to the cinema for the first time! Dear me…my memory! haha

Coby was at a party with Mummy so I took the opportunity to take the other two into the Reel cinema in the centre of town to watch the Lego Batman Movie.  I hadn’t been in that cinema for nearly 20 years and found it to be very rundown now unfortunately. The material on the seats was all ripped and the paint was coming off the cinema walls but it did bring back good memories from when I was growing up that I wanted to try and share with Ben and Aaron.

Before the film started, they stocked up on sweets and went to the toilet a couple of times. We had already booked the tickets online so we didn’t have to buy them there and they were much cheaper than the Vue Cinema! We then sat down in an ideal place and watched the film, which we all enjoyed.

Of course, Aaron ate all of his sweets too quickly and started to feel sick about half way through the film, and was asking when the film was ending! Tut! I knew Aaron was going to do that! 😉 Anyway, he wasn’t sick (thank goodness) and Ben was fine throughout. 

When the film had finished, we met Mummy and Coby at McDonalds for some dinner, so it was a great morning and the boys enjoyed their first visit to the cinema. 😉

1st Cinema Trip

1st Cinema Trip