Posts Tagged ‘midnight walk’

PostHeaderIcon Beavers Midnight Walk

The Beavers were meant to have a Friday night film night and sleepover before half term, but that had to be cancelled due to changes in the rules for adults being with them all night. Aaron wasn’t going to sleep over in the scout hut anyway as an adult would have had to stay with him (and Kelly and I didn’t want to do that!!) so they had to change it to a ‘midnight’ walk (at 6pm) and then a film and sweets after. Kelly went with him and the head Beaver took them, in the pitch black, all around the local area, into the muddy fields and woods! They were quite lagged with mud afterwards and Kelly was glad she took her boots to change into for the walk!! Aaron had great fun though but they didn’t see any Deer or other animals, which was a shame. They then watched a film and ate lots of naughty food before getting home just after 10pm, as they stayed behind to help tidy up. Beavers is a great thing to do as Aaron gets to do lots of awesome things that he likes! Coby has signed up already but has to be 5 before he starts and Ben wants to do it as well, but he is too old for Beavers now and none of his friends do it anyway.