Posts Tagged ‘school’

PostHeaderIcon Parents Evening

Parents evening went very well for Aaron this year. Mr Harden, his teacher, said that Aaron was doing well and he was especially pleased that he did something wrong but went to ask him and then tried again and got it correct. So, well done Aaron! His reading is good and he is doing his spellings well and usually gets them all correct every week. Maths and English are also OK but he could do with trying even harder to get even better.

PostHeaderIcon Year 4 Camp and Cook

Last week, Aaron went on a 1 night Camp and Cook trip with his class at School. He had to take a bag with his clothes and sleeping stuff in to school and they got a bus from school to the place near Dartmouth. They were to sleep in a wooden hut for the night and he was in with a few of his other friends. One of his friends tried to sneak some chocolate in for a midnight treat for them all, but was caught by a teacher! haYear 4 Camp and Cook

Year 4 Camp and Cookha The teacher didn’t take it all though, so they still had a little bit of chocolate! During the night, Aaron was, apparently, snoring very loudly which kept his friends awake and they were able to lift his arm up to look at the time on his watch without him noticing! That is typical Aaron! Any

way, he had a great time and enjoyed the activities that included den building, cooking pizza and bread over a fire and other general outdoors stuff like he does for Cubs. He was absolutely shattered and filthy when he got back though and had to go straight into the shower to clean off! 

PostHeaderIcon Year 4

Yesterday was Aaron’s first day in year 4 with Mr Harden as his teacher. He was looking forward to going in and looked really grown up this year – more so than previous years! He has certainly grown and got tall over the Summer! He had a nice day and said he had some fun, which was good for the first day, and was the only one to come home without any spellings or homework to do for next week, although he may get some today. He got a good seat on a table with his friends, so he was happy with that, and looked very smart with his new shoes and hair nicely cut! I wonder how long this will last! 😉

PostHeaderIcon Spring Music Festival

At the School Spring Music Festival this year, Aaron had to play the Recorder. He did very well and tried to play as best as he could. The songs were very simple, which was good, but quite boring! haha

PostHeaderIcon Parents Evening

Aaron’s parents evening went very well a few weeks ago and we were told that he is doing well at school and his teachers are very happy with him! The only thing we need to do is try and encourage him to read a bit more, which we will have to do! Well done, Aaron!