Posts Tagged ‘school’

PostHeaderIcon Miss Bowyer’s Class

This week we found out that Aaron will be in Miss Bowyer’s class at Bickleigh Down School when he moves into Year 1 in September. We are really pleased about this as she was a great teacher for Ben and really nice. Aaron will love her! 😉

PostHeaderIcon 1st Sports Day

This was Aaron’s 1st Sports Day at school and he was put in the same team as Ben so that we could easily follow them around during their events. Aaron did really well and tried very hard at each event, and seemed to enjoy it all! The events that he took part in included small hurdles, egg and spoon race, treasure grabbing, football dribbling and then a running race at the end. Aaron’s team (and Ben’s), Lynher, won the entire event, so they were very happy with this!

PostHeaderIcon Super Ted Again

This week Aaron has again been a Super Ted, so he has been helping out the teachers get the register and put in the lunch orders. He has been wearing his little blue Super Ted in his jumper with pride!

Super Ted Again!

Super Ted Again!

PostHeaderIcon Fairytale Ball

Back in early February, Aaron’s year had a Fairytale Ball where they all had to dress up as a Fairytale character. Aaron used Ben’s old costume and became Prince Aaron! 😉

Fairytale Ball

Fairytale Ball

PostHeaderIcon Awesome Aaron

Back in February, School had a super hero dress up day and all the children in Aaron’s year had to go in dressed as a super hero. So Kelly made him an outfit and Aaron became Awesome Aaron!