Posts Tagged ‘speaking’
Beb or Ben
Aaron is getting really good at talking now and can say lots of words, but the cutest was when he called Ben ‘Beb’. He was doing this constantly for a couple of weeks a few weeks ago and it was so cute hearing him call for Beb! 😉 Recently he has learnt to say Ben which is great, but is not quite as cute! 😉
He has also started saying ‘disgusting’ now which is really funny as well as it comes out more as ‘gusting’, and he can say all the basic words at his age such as ‘bed’, ‘cat’, doggy’, ‘horsey’, ‘poo’ (lol), ‘ball’ and he can say ‘copter’ for helicopter and ‘t’ for TV and much more. It is so cute listening to him speak and I must try and get him on film speaking a bit more as would be great to look back on in a few years.