Posts Tagged ‘swimming’

PostHeaderIcon Swimming Update

Aaron has been getting better and better at swimming, even though he is still in Stage 1.  He has conquered his fear of trying to lie on his back after several months where he wouldn’t do it, so that was a big milestone.  He is almost ready to go to Stage 2 and is about 85% through so hopefully it won’t be too long into 2016 before he moves up a level.

PostHeaderIcon Swimming Lessons

Just over a month ago, we took Ben and Aaron to Tavistock swimming pool, for a taster swimming lesson. It was only for 30 mins but we hoped they would be fine and we could get them to learn to swim.  They both enjoyed it, so we signed them up for weekly lessons, and they have now had about 5 proper lessons each, and are progressing really well! They both have proper swimming hats and goggles, so they look the part.


PostHeaderIcon Aaron’s 1st Swim

On Friday 2nd September, Aaron had his first little swim in a proper swimming pool.

We went to the Pavilions as they have a fun pool there (Ben as well) and Aaron loved it!  He usually likes going in the bath at home and kicks his legs and makes an awful wet mess, so we thought he would love the swimming pool as well, and we weren’t wrong. As soon as his feet touched the water, he started kicking and got excited. Ben, on the other hand, hates getting water in his eyes, so he didn’t like it as much!

The fun pool had lots of bright colours and water features which kept Aaron interested (and Ben as well), which was one of the reasons we decided to go there instead of a normal pool. During the time we went, 945am – 1030am,  it was Toddler and Parents only in the pool which was very helpful as it kept the pool fairly empty and quiet. Would recommend the place to anyone with Toddlers!

We were in the pool for about 45 minutes when Aaron started to get fed up so we then had to leave. He did very well though for his first time in a swimming pool and seemed to enjoy it a lot! 😉