Posts Tagged ‘temperature’

PostHeaderIcon Aaron got the spots too!

Ten days after Ben started out with Chicken Pox, Aaron started coming out in a few little spots too!  We were hoping he was going to avoid it and maybe be immune, but on the other hand we are glad he caught it and it is now over with.

Poor Aaron was absolutely pickled!  Head to toe, in his ears, mouth, nose as well as really badly in his nappy region.  He was quite poorly with it too, had a very high temperature and generally very sleepy and not himself.  Aaron was happiest in the bath, which was nice and cool and I put porridge oats in the water (in a sock) which helped with the itching.  We also used the vira soothe gel that we had for Ben.  Luckily Aaron didn’t scratch too much and his spots cleared quite nicely, though he still has a few that haven’t quite faded yet.

The best part about Aaron having Chicken Pox, we encouraged him to start using the potty and he did really well!


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PostHeaderIcon Very Ill

Since Tuesday this week, Aaron has been very poorly indeed.  He has had a very high temperature with it reaching 39.5 degrees at one point! Kelly has hardly slept as he hasn’t wanted to sleep in his cot so she has had to stay up with him. The poor little man still had an appetite but was sooo hot all the time and just didn’t look very well at all. On Tuesday night Kelly got hold of NHS Direct for some advice as we were quite worried due to his high temperature, and they said that if it got to 40 degrees, then we should call a doctor.

Luckily, it didn’t reach that high, but stayed high enough for Kelly to call our normal Doctors on Thursday but they were useless as usual. They had no appointments so a doctor called her back and basically said the opposite to the NHS direct doctor. Our doctor said it was probably viral and it would pass in 7 to 10 days – no offer of a check over just in case or anything! In the end, the little man started to lose his high temperature during the day but still wouldn’t settle on his own to go to sleep even though he was absolutely shattered. In the end, I took him out for a ride in the car at half 10 last night to see if that would make a difference, and it did thankfully. Aaron feel asleep in the car but unfortunately woke when we got home. Even so, it didn’t take too much effort to get him back to sleep and he managed to stay in his cot and slept most of the night – not getting up till about 8am. Phew!

So, it looks like the worst of it is over now so fingers crossed he will make a full recovery in the next day or so and that we will all, finally, get a good nights sleep tonight!