Posts Tagged ‘water fight’

PostHeaderIcon Cubs and Final Beavers Session

For the past half term, Aaron has been attending Cubs on a Wednesday evening from 6:30pm to 8pm to get introduced to it. He has been enjoying it as Sarah and Sarah are running that as well. He will be starting Cubs properly in September.

So, last Friday was his last Beavers session where he ‘swam up’ to Cubs officially. The parents of the Beavers ‘swimming up’ were asked to stay to watch a little ceremony where the Beaver got given their new Cubs jumper officially and also received a certificate and badge. We had got Aaron his new Cubs uniform a week or two ago, ready for this session. Aaron was quite nervous stood at the front and struggled to take his jumper off! haha He had to shake Sarah and Sarah’s hands, and also the head Beaver (Eric) who congratulated him on doing so well. It was quite sad really as Aaron had been at Beavers for 2 years! But at least he is now joining most of his friends in Cubs as a lot of them are slightly older than him so ‘swam up’ the previous school term. Aaron has learnt a lot at Beavers though and loves going, so Cubs will be awesome for him as well!

For the rest of his final Beavers session, they played indoor water games until near the end when the torrential wind and rain outside eased, so they went out and had water fights outside! At least we get our Friday evenings back now…..until Coby starts in 2020!