Posts Tagged ‘weekend with grandma’

PostHeaderIcon Weekend Without Mummy and Daddy

For our 10th Wedding Anniversary weekend, Kelly and I went away to a small lodge near Perranporth which meant leaving all the boys on their own for the first time ever!  Grandma spent the weekend at our house to look after them and they were (apparently) very well behaved throughout. Coby was a little bit upset that we had left them but he was fine for most of the time and we did speak and see them via Skype on numerous occasions over the weekend.  On the Saturday, Uncle Darren came over for the day as well, so they all enjoyed playing with him, especially as they had takeaway pizza that night! 😉 They also went up to the park a few times and generally had lots of fun.

It was quite hard leaving them, especially for Kelly, but they did very well and were fine for the weekend. We were glad to get back and see them though! At least we know that if we want/are able to do something similar again in the future, they will be fine. A big thank you to Grandma for looking after them (and Uncle Darren of course!).